Sanghoon Lee

choreography / performance art

Score study


Score study is weekbase study project together with dancer Marlene Bonnesen. Every week Sang produce small dance score baseed on his everyday curiousity then that score is read by the body of Marlene, recorded in video format 

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2024-on going

I am the guest. You are the host. Dance is the ghost


The project, “I am the guest. You are the host. Dance is the ghost“ aims to create a space where creativity is not just performed but rather lived. The participants (hosts) lead the project by contributing their own unique narratives, while facilitators (guests) actively adapt within this dynamic. Together, they create a collective dance entity (the ghost). This project presents a choreographic framework that creates an "institution within an institution.", a miniature, self-governing society that's embedded within an existing organizational structure. The project boldly challenges and reshapes traditional roles and hierarchical arrangements.

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2023-on going 

Oslo, Norway

The project initiated from the Master’s degree graduation project at KHiO,Oslo

choreographic framework

While they hesitate, time slips away 


"While They Hesitate, Time Slips Away" is an existential dance performance that aims to captivate the audience with a concept of 'life with the notion that there is an end'. The performance questions how we feel and act while encountering the world's catastrophes. The project will push the boundaries of dance as an art form by taking the audience on an emotional and intellectual journey that will evoke self-reflection and inner dialogue.

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2023-on going

2023 April_participating for sharing work-in-progress @ Greenfield, STL, Tallinn, Estonia

2023 Aug_Vandrestaven residency/festival

Sometimes the directive may not work as planned 

The project 'Sometimes the directive may not work as planned' explores the failure, error, and the things that are not going as planned. The choreographer has created a score that asks the dancer to explore the impossible, the none-existing, and the paradoxes. The dancer is asked to expose her uncertainty, clarity that disappears, and doubts. The project started with its own dilemma: "If the performer successfully performs the failure, can it still be called a performing failure?" Instead of actively solving this dilemma, the choreographer exposes it as a way to use the problem as a quality of performance (this quality is called 'doubt' here). The core of the work is how to encounter doubt and perform with the notion of doubt.


2022-on going

Most people are not reading a book in library

Observation of the people in library is the starting point of this project.

The questions appear from the observation

(It is hard to think of 'why' we observe people.)

We are simulating the encounter:

When is the moment that unexpectable appears?

What is the moment That expectable became unexpectable?

How to produce the unexpectable from expectable?
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Deichman library, Oslo, Norway

site-specific dance project

If it has been reconsidered I would like to interfere with the reason for the pause

‘We are living in the same reality but we have different dreams.’

The performance is created from a sense of uncertainty. The body will be continuously shaken, staggered, unbalanced.


2021 July 3rd&6th
Part of “Fantasy of having a trailer wagon all to myself” A group show celebrating the life and work of Manoj Nair, Gallery 46, London, UK

#performance art

It is impossible to exsit at two places at once 

“It is still impossible to exist in two places at once” deals with the area between opposites such as right and left, inside and outside, action and reaction, or 0 and 1 in the mathematical binary system. The body cannot exist in only one extreme. The performers are changing feelings, understanding of right and wrong, social and personal identity.



It is still impossible to exist in two places at once, part 1: 
London, UK

It is still impossible to exist in two places at once, part 2:
Tallinn, Estoinia

Old works

coming soon